Selma Savolainen & Toomas Keski-Säntti


16.00 - 17.00

Pääkirjasto Metso, Pirkankatu 2, 33210 Tampere

Selma Savolaisen & Toomas Keski-Säntin taiteilijahaastattelu ja minikonsertti perjantaina 27.9. klo 16 pääkirjasto Metsossa.

Kansainvälistä huippujazzia julkaiseva Whirlwind Recordings julkaisi laulaja-säveltäjä Selma Savolaisen esikoissooloalbumin Horror Vacui keväällä 2023. Albumi sai Vuoden Jazz -palkinnon Emma Gaalassa helmikuussa 2024. Metson musiikkiosastolla Savolainen ja pianisti Toomas Keski-Säntti soittavat Horror Vacui -albumin musiikkia duosovituksin.

Selma Savolaisen & Toomas Keski-Säntin taiteilijahaastattelu ja minikonsertti perjantaina 27.9. klo 16 pääkirjasto Metson musiikkiosastolla. Vapaa pääsy, tervetuloa!

Tapahtuma on osa G Livelabin Tampereella ja Tampereen pääkirjasto Metsossa 25.-28.9. järjestettävää 12 Points -festivaalia, joka tuo Suomeen kaksitoista nousevaa jazzartistia kahdestatoista eri Euroopan maasta.

Selma Savolainen Horror Vacui -yhtye esiintyy samana iltana 12 Points Festivaalilla G Livelabissa noin klo 22.30. Lisätiedot ja liput:

12 Points Festivaalin yhteydessä Tampereella järjestetään Jazz Futures -konferenssi yhteistyössä Better Live -EU-hankkeen kanssa. Maksuttoman konferenssin keskusteluissa pureudutaan jazzin nykytilaan ja ennen kaikkea sen tulevaisuuteen. Tänä vuonna keskusteluissa painotetaan jazzin tulevaisuutta suhteessa ympäristökysymyksiin, vastuullisuuteen ja saavutettavuuteen. Seminaarisisältö toteutetaan englanniksi.


Location: Main Library Metso (address Pirkankatu 2), room Pihlaja (located on the basement floor)

Pierre Dugelay leads an engaging and practical workshop exploring the challenges, possibilities and practical tips of more sustainable touring with specific focus on the challenges and opportunities for musicians. Despite a very positive image in public opinion, live performance has its share of negative effects in various aspects. How can we design tours that are economically, socially and ecologically responsible?

European projects such as “Better Live”, supported by Le Périscope and other European structures like G Livelab and IMC, are leading a wide-ranging reflection on these issues. This workshop will be an opportunity to share an overview of the impact of live music on climate change, in particular, and to examine together the ways in which our sector can move forward.


9:30-9:45 Introduction talk from Virgo Sillamaa
Location: Main Library Metso (address Pirkankatu 2), room Lehmus (located on the basement floor)

Virgo Sillamaa is a music policy and ecosystem researcher, educator and consultant from Estonia, currently based in Brussels. With 20+ years of experience in the music sector, he is currently the Research Coordinator of EMEE, European Music Exporters Exchange network, and a board member at the Estonian Authors’ Society.

9:45-11:15 – Panel Discussion: Co-programming as a way for sustainable touring – a real strategy or a green dream?
Location: Main Library Metso (address Pirkankatu 2), room Lehmus (located on the basement floor)

The Better Live project aims to show that creating longer tours with optimised routing, adding diverse kinds of events in smaller places is a way to make touring more sustainable. Both in the sense of reducing the overall carbon footprint from artist and audience mobility as well as taking more culture to smaller places. This can add up to “deep mobility” – more meaningful for the touring artists, enriching for the localities as well better for the planet.

But is this really realistic? Increasing co-programming requires increased cooperation between presenters, bookers and artists. And balancing the focus on optimising only for profit margins (or survival level viability) with other values such as more meaningful connection with smaller places. Meanwhile, on the same planet, Taylor Swift’s tours keep swaying the GDPs of whole countries and multinational corporations keep squeezing the last out of already faltering live music economies.

The session begins with a presentation by Virgo Sillamaa, introducing why, what and how the Better Live project approaches these issues and follows up with a panel discussion that is expected to grow into an open exchange and debate with the audience on these matters.

Panellists: tbc
Moderator: Virgo Sillamaa, EMEE & Better Live, research coordinator

Yhteistyössä Tampereen kaupunginkirjasto ja G Livelab



16.00 - 17.00


Pääkirjasto Metso, Pirkankatu 2, 33210 Tampere

