Baby Path


10.00 - 12.00

Pääkirjasto Metson edusta, Hämeenpuisto, Tampere

Baby Path in Hämeenpuisto is once again celebrating babies and babyhood! This year, the theme of Baby's Day is "Babies and nature - let's take care together.".

Baby Path in Hämeenpuisto is once again celebrating babies and babyhood! This year, the theme of Baby's Day is "Babies and nature - let's take care togheter."

On Baby Path, you can go for a pram ride with a friend or meet new friends. Along the way, you can get to know all the nice things that different operators in Tampere offer for families with babies. Maybe you can find a workshop or some other nice activity along the route.

The event is in front of the main library Metso in Hämeenpuisto.

Everyone is welcome to join!

Baby's Day has been celebrated since 2017 on the last Friday of September at the initiative of BabyFinland (Vauvasuomi ry).The aim is a Finland that delights in babies and where everyone supports the child-centered life of babies and families. We want families, workplaces, services and the whole country to pay attention to babies –our own future. There is no uniform program – the forms of celebration are as
unique as the families themselves.

NOTE! Weather reservation!

Event is organised by:
Tampereen ev.lut. seurakunnat, Tampereen kaupunki, Pirkanmaan hyvinvointialue

Participating in the event are:
Pirkanmaan hyvinvointialue; lasten, nuorten ja perheiden palvelut
Tampereen kaupunki
Tampereen ev.lut. seurakunnat; varhaiskasvatus, musiikkikasvatus, perhetoiminta
Lastenkulttuurikeskus Rulla
Leikkitoimintakeskus Huusholli
Hennerin leikkitoimintakeskus
Tampereen kaupungin perheliikunta
Tampereen NNKY Itu-perhetyö
MLL Hämeen piiri
MLL Tampereen osasto
Tampereen kaupunki, Unicef - Lapsiystävällinen kunta
Mielenterveysomaiset Pirkanmaa – FinFami ry
Tampereen kaupunginkirjasto
Kansalaistalo Mansikkapaikka ry
Mothers in Business (MiB)
Tampere Missio, Kimpassa-perhetoiminta
Tampereen ensi- ja turvakoti ry
Tampereen Lastenklinikan Tuki ry
Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto Tredu
Pirkanmaan Allergia- ja Astmayhdistys
Hämeen Liikunta ja Urheilu
10.00 - 12.00
Pääkirjasto Metson edusta, Hämeenpuisto, Tampere