Tampere Prize for Academician of Arts Sirkku Peltola and city councillor Jukka Gustafsson

Kuvassa Tampereen päivän palkitut

The Tampere Awards were presented on the 245th anniversary of the city on Tuesday 1.10.2024 at the Tampere Day celebrations in Tampere Hall. The prize was awarded to Sirkku Peltola, an Academician of Arts known as a playwright and director, and Jukka Gustafsson, a city councillor with a long career in municipal politics and as a member of parliament.

The prize, which is awarded annually to one or more recipients, is given to people who have contributed to the development of the city and the well-being of its residents through their life’s work or activities, or who have helped to make Tampere more attractive as Finland’s most popular city. The prize has been awarded since 1959 and has previously been given to 84 recipients.

Since 2016, the Tampere Prize has been the glass artist Markku Salo‘s work Tammerkosken kuohu.

This year, the Tampere Prize was awarded to Academician of  Arts Sirkku Peltola and city councillor Jukka Gustafsson.

Peltola awarded for his theatre work

Sirkku Peltola was awarded a prize for her significant contributions to Tampere theater, playwriting, and the Tampere Theatre Festival.

Peltola is known as a playwright, director, and dramaturge. Her first play, “Pikku jättiläinen” (Little Giant), premiered in 1985. Since then, Peltola has worked as a director and dramaturge in various theaters and has written nearly thirty plays, which have been translated into more than ten languages. Peltola has served as the artistic director of the Tampere Theatre Festival and is currently working as a director at the Tampereen Työväen Teatteri.

Peltola has received several awards, including the Olavi Veistäjä Award, the Kalle Kaihari Cultural Award, the Tampere City Literature Award, the Finland Prize, and the Pro Finlandia Medal. She was appointed as an Academician of Arts in 2023.

Gustafsson has nearly half a century in Tampere municipal politics

Jukka Gustafsson was awarded the prize for his outstanding contribution to Tampere municipal politics.

Mr Gustafsson has been a member of Tampere City Council continuously since 1976 and has held several positions of trust in the city.  He is currently a member of the Education and Training Board. Mr Gustafsson was a Member of Parliament from 1987 to 2023 and Minister of Education from 2011 to 13.

He has also worked as the first headmaster of the Murikka College in Teisko and has served as vice-chairman of the Finnish Football Association from 1991 to 2006 and as chairman of the Tampere District of the Football Association from 1988 to 1994.

Mr Gustafsson has been awarded the Finnish Golden Cross for Sports Culture and Sport. He is an honorary member of the Finnish People’s University Association.

The Gold Medals of Merit were awarded to persons in the field of education

The Tampere I Class Gold Medal of Merit was awarded to six people who have made significant contributions to the development of teaching and education.

Early childhood education teacher Helena Oikari received the award for her contribution to the development of pre-school education.

Professor emeritus Veli-Matti Värri was honoured for his career as Professor of Philosophy of Education and Teacher Education at the University of Tampere.

Deputy Rector Henrik Aaltonen was honoured for his 36 years of service to the development and teaching of Svenska Samskolan i Tammerfors.

Mia Palonen, a student counsellor, received the award for her contribution to the development of student councils.

Professor Arto O. Salonen was awarded for inspiring the City of Tampere’s model of basic education and cultural services and for transferring the model to the level of everyday activities.

Teacher Leena Kainulainen received the award for her WorldSkills activities, where she has distinguished herself for bringing professional chemistry skills from Tampere to international competitions around the world as a coach and judge.

This news article was modified on October 2, 2024, to correct Helena Oikari’s name.

Further information

Neea Loimuvirta



040 543 5412

Text: Ismo Lehtonen
Photos: Laura Happo