Tampere Day weekend filled the city with culture, sports and open doors

Pony riding at the Stable yards.

The Tampere Day weekend was celebrated in a beautiful autumn atmosphere from 27 to 29 September with over a hundred events. Tampere’s own celebration weekend attracted large crowds to events all over the city.

The Tampere Day programme offered something for everyone over the weekend. Visitors could enjoy culture, sports, open doors and guided tours. The events were organised not only by the City of Tampere, but also by local residents, organisations, municipalities and companies

On Saturday 28 September, the Old City Hall opened its doors to the public. Guided tours introduced visitors to the history of the building, which was inaugurated in 1890, through its art and interior design.

Tampere Day was also about skating, as the City of Tampere organised a public skating event at the Hakametsä Stadium on Saturday 28 September.

On Sunday, 29 September, the event visitors were given a tour of the Tammela stadium by the Ilves Association. The evening was crowned by the Ilves women’s national league match Ilves–PK35 Vantaa, which was free of charge in honour of Tampere Day.

Check out our photo gallery to relive the atmosphere of the weekend’s events. For more, see the #TampereenPäivä hashtag on social media.

Give your feedback on Tampere Day

How did you enjoy the Tampere Day weekend events? We would like to hear about your experiences and suggestions for improvement. We are collecting visitors’ feedback on the Tampere Day Weekend concept to help us make the event even better

By participating in the survey, you can also enter a prize draw to win three Museum Cards for one year. The survey is open until 6 October 2024.

Survey on Tampere Day’s website: https://tampereenpaiva.tampere.fi/en/give-feedback/