Tampere Day
Tampere's anniversary was celebrated with the beloved Tampere Day weekend on 27-29 September 2024, when the city turned 245 years old.
The weekend featured open doors, cultural events and guided tours around the city. Thank you for participating to the event with us!
Check out our news article to relive the atmosphere of the weekend's events. For more, see the #TampereenPäivä hashtag on social media.
Read moreTampere was established on 1 October 1779 by Gustav III, the King of Sweden. Tampere celebrates this occasion every year on the first of October and the closest weekend to that date. Events of the day are organised by the city and by numerous third sector actors.
In 2024 the City of Tampere celebrates its 245th anniversary, Tampereen päivä – Tampere Day, from 27 September to 29 September. Welcome to join the celebrations!

How did we do? Give us feedback!
How did you enjoy the Tampere Day weekend events? We would like to hear about your experiences and suggestions for improvement. We are collecting visitors’ feedback on the Tampere Day Weekend concept to help us make the event even better